Workshop on certification & qualification for R&D expert on AM
The November 8, 2022
Workshop on certification & qualification for R&D expert on AM - Registration
Hybrid Event: online by Zoom and at University of Barcelona (Spain)
Date: 8th November 2022 from 13:30 to 17:30
Contact us at: contact @
The penetration of 3D-printing processes in the ceramics industry remains low. Technology achievements remain to be done, but research activities remain low. Indeed the additive manufacturing community addresses mostly metallic or polymeric materials, and the ceramics industry lacks skilled researchers likely to exploit academic proofs of concepts to innovations.
That’s why, in the framework on the DOC-3D-Printing project, a workshop on certification and qualification is organised : the objective is to present and discuss the need of the industry, the required skills, and how they can be evaluated in order to build a skills framework for R&D expert on Additive Manufacturing.
This workshop will be held in Barcelona on the 8th November afternoon as a hybrid event linked to yCAM 2022
The event is free of charge but registration is mandatory : if you wish to attend the event (either physically or online), please register below.
This event is organised by the DOC-3D-PRINTING project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement No 764935.
Registration link:
physically in Barcelona:
Facultat de Química - Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré (Ground floor) - Universitat de Barcelona
Carrer de Martí i Franquès, 1-11, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
online by zoom:
meeting ID: 973 0374 5651
password: 179693
- 13:30 Welcoming
- 13:35 Presentation of DOC-3D-Printing H2020 project by David GROSSIN (university of Toulouse France)
- 13:45 “Additive Manufacturing Design Standards and Qualifications” by Eujin PEI (Brunel university UK) (presentation + question)
- 14:15 Presentation of the workshop GROUP ACTIVITIES “on certification & qualification for R&D expert on AM” by Andreas RIEL (ECQA Austria)
- 14:45 starting of the group activities
- 15:45 Break
- 16:00 Feedback
- 17:00 Conclusion and next steps
- 17:30 End of the workshop