Oral presentations
You can find below all the oral presentations that have been done in the framework of the project.
Nicolas SOMERS, Florian JEAN, Marie LASGORCEIX, Hugo CURTO, Anthony THUAULT, Fabrice PETIT, Anne LERICHE, Synthesis of substituted β‐tricalcium phosphate powders to improve their thermal stability and biological properties for bone regeneration, ICACC 2020, Daytona Beach, United State, 26-31 January 2020
Chloé GOUTAGNY, Stéphane HOCQUET, Anne LERICHE, Development of bio-ceramic resin-based slurry in order to manufacture dense ceramic parts with the Stereolithography process, Shaping 7, Aveiro, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019
Eren ÖZMEN, Loic FERRAGE, David GROSSIN, Pascal LENORMAND, Ghislaine BERTRAND, Microstructural analysis and improvement of mechanical properties of ceramic-metallic multi-materials obtained by direct laser sintering method, Shaping 7, Aveiro, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019
Ambra PATERLINI, Marzio PICCININI, Martin SCHWENTENWEIN, Artemis STAMBOULIS, Lithography-based additive manufacturing of ceramic joint replacements: surface analysis and mechanical behaviour, Shaping 7, Aveiro, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019
Ambra PATERLINI, Marzio PICCININI, Martin SCHWENTENWEIN, Artemis STAMBOULIS, Lithography-based ceramic manufacturing of joint replacements: microstructure and surface finishing analysis, ECerS 2019, Turin, Italy, 16-20 June 2019
Nicolas SOMERS, Florian JEAN, Marie LASGORCEIX, Anthony THUAULT, Fabrice PETIT, Anne LERICHE, Development of substituted β-TCP for improved thermal stability during microwave sintering, ECerS 2019, Turin, Italy, 16-20 June 2019