Mersen Boostec

Mersen Boostec is an affiliate of the French industrial group Mersen. Mersen Boostec is an innovative industrial company specialized in high-performance all-silicon carbide components. Mersen Boostec has developed a new production process that expands the use of silicon carbide through:

  • its ability to produce very large parts (up to 3.5 m)
  • a range of assembly techniques (gluing, soldering, bolting...) allowing for the construction of complex systems using components.


Nowaday, Mersen Boostec is still a world wide leader in designing, producing and selling large lightweighted space telescopes made of silicon carbide. To sustain and to develop its bussiness, Mersen Boostec has to offer increasingly large, complex and ligthweighted parts. Additive manufacturing seems to be a excellent way to reach these customer requirements.


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    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement No 764935